• 0238. 352 33 77 (campus 1) - 0238. 357 55 88 (campus 2) - 0238.363 77 99 (campus 3)
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  • 104 Hermann | 56 Lê Hồng Phong | 03 Trường Chinh, Vinh, Nghệ An
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  • Tiếng Việt
  • English

admin| 19 Tháng Hai, 2011 | 8970

I’n’E – Interests in English


I’n’E – Interests in English



Saturday afternoon (November 14th 2010, 3:00pm – 5:00pm) 

On November 14th 2010, I’n’E Club in ASEM Vietnam will hold a Debate Competition. All who want to have a chance of being trained with speaking skills, to prove yourselves in an English environment, and to be a member of ASEM Vietnam Debate Team are welcomed to come and join us.

To participate, you should first fill in the Registration Form and send it to Mr. Michael via e-mail address: hailv@asemvietnam.vn

You can download the Registration Form here: Registration Form

The registration will be expired after October 30th 2010.

On October 17th 2010, we will hold a meeting at ASEM Vietnam (Campus 2, 56 Le Hong Phong) to give each of you a try-out. At this time, you will be also given some debate topics so that you can prepare yourselves in one week.

On October 24th 2010, a Debate Competition will take place to choose 8 best debaters in order to form two Debate Teams.

On November 7th 2010,


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